Monday, June 4, 2007

Lola Elisa’s stories

Am starting here a series of stories told by my grandmother, Elisa Villareal Robles (born March 23, 1916) who, at the ripe old age (she gonna kill me???) of 91, has still one of the sharpest memories.
Lola Elisa has strong ESP (for the uninitiated, that’s Extra-Sensory Perception). I wouldn’t wish to inherit her kind of sensitivity, though, as she could feel, hear and see, although not at the same time, strange beings that inhabit other dimensions. In Hiligaynon, mga tamawo. That could be quite scary.
Some might say that she could be bonkers, or extremely imaginative, or any other unflattering description, but I could assure you, these stories were told again and again since I was still small.
I could not imagine my very own grandmother inventing stories just for the heck of it. How else could a listener deny what are after all personal experiences?
I would have wanted to make this into a book, to give to her as a gift one of these days. Maybe I would. Meantime, I’ll just start with this blog.

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